【IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology】 Distributed Robust Platooning Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Group under Parametric Uncertainty and Hybrid Attacks



This study addresses the problem of distributed robust control resistance to vehicle parametric uncertainty and hybrid attacks in heterogeneous vehicular platoon systems. First, an invaded heterogeneous vehicular platoon system is modeled accompanied by the technique of inverse model compensation to deal with the problem of non-linearities in longitudinal dynamics, a nominal vehicle mass is introduced to tackle the problem of heterogeneity and variability of vehicle masses. Besides, we quantize the effects of false-data injection (FDI) and message-delay (MD) attacks and integrate them into the proposed heterogeneous platoon system. Additionally, to obtain the desired inner-vehicle stability of a heterogeneous platoon, an inner-vehicle H distributed robust stable controller is presented based on Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Finally, a L2 -based string stability criterion is put forward to weaken the attacks' effects when they propagate along with the platoon. To explain the superiority of the derived theory more directly, simulations with two different control methods about the heterogeneous platoon under hybrid attacks are provided. The results show that, compared to regular platoon control method, the proposed robust controller performs better in achieving the desired inter-vehicle spacing tracking and can maintain string stability of the platoon.
