【IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems】Improving Vibration Performance of Electric Vehicles Based on In-Wheel Motor-Active Suspension System via Robust Finite Frequency Control



This paper presents a robust finite frequency H control strategy for improving vibration performance and ride comfort of electric vehicles through in-wheel motor-active suspension system(IWM-ASS). Since the human body is much sensitive to the vertical vibration of 4 -8 Hz, the main objective is dedicated to deal with the vibration challenge that matches the characteristics of the human body by applying the finite-frequency technique. Firstly, the uncertain quarter-vehicle active suspension model with dynamic damping in-wheel motor driven system is established, in which in-wheel motor is suspended as dynamic vibration absorber(DVA) to isolate the force transmitted to motor bearing in IWM-ASS. Based on the framework of generalized Kalman–Yakubovich–Popov lemma and stability theory, then the performance index of H norm from external disturbance to controlled output for IWM-ASS is attenuated within the concerned frequency range while other system requirements such as parameter uncertainty, suspension deflection constraint and actuator saturation are also guaranteed in controller design. The resulting robust finite frequency state feedback H controller is finally designed utilizing two new theorems, and solved via a set of linear matrix inequalities. Simulations for frequency-domain and time-domain responses are implemented and compared with the entire frequency control method to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. It can be concluded from the results that the developed control strategy can effectively attenuate the negative vibration and enhance ride comfort and road-holding ability for electric vehicles of IWM-ASS.
